Residential Water Systems can be found in many locations such as, Condominiums, Town Homes, Apartments, Housing Tracts, and Large Estates. Depending on your locations your water system may be used for drinking water, irrigation, sewage, or storm water drainage. Whether you are a home owner or a management company, PumpMan San Diego offers several types of services to help you maintain your water system.

  • Repair
  • Redesign/Upgrade
  • Planned Maintenance Program
  • 24 Hours 7 days a week Emergency Pump Service

Drinking Water Systems (Potable Water)

A Shallow Well is any source of water where the water is within 25 feet of ground level. When water is pumped from a well the water level will draw down. The lowest level to which it will drop is the level from which it must be pumped. A Deep Well is any source of water where the low water level is more than 25 feet below the ground level. If water pressure is low from the city water meter a booster pump may be required to boost the pressure to the required building water pressure.

Irrigation Systems

Every foot of elevation change causes a 0.433 PSI change in water pressure. If your pipe is going downhill add 0.433 PSI of pressure per vertical foot you go down. If the pipe is going uphill subtract 0.433 PSI for every vertical foot you go up. If there is not enough pressure to provide adequate sprinkling a booster pump would be required.

Sewage Systems

Sewage ejector pumps also called sewage pumps, sanitary sewer pumps or solid waste handling pumps are used when there are toilets below the public or private sewer line. If waste cannot flow to the sewer by gravity the waste has to be lifted to be discharged into the gravity sewer or private sewage system. These pumps are able to pump solids and liquids from the sump or tank to the sewer.

Storm Water Drainage System

Storm Water Drainage System is a single system having two purposes: (1) the control of storm water runoff to prevent or minimize damage to property and physical injury and loss of life which may occur during or after a very infrequent or unusual storm; and (2) the control of storm water to eliminate or minimize inconvenience or disruption of activity as a result of runoff from more frequently occurring, less significant storms.

Booster System

Reasons for needing: Poor city water pressure, Building height, Homes at the end of a water supply line, Buildings located high above a water supply line, Tall properties, Gravity water systems.

Ground Water

Some homes or structures extend below ground level and in doing so may come in contact with ground water. In most cases the ground water lever needs to be lowered around the foundation of the building whereas the water does not enter the structure. The pump system causes the water table to lower altering the direction of the ground water movement.

Water Features

Water feature/fountain pumps come in many sizes and types, submersible and above ground pumps. They are chosen based on how much water a water feature holds and lifts within a given period. Most small fountains and ponds require the simplest submersible pump, designed to re-circulate 50 gallons or less an hour. Larger ponds with fountains or waterfalls necessitate a more robust pump. The most important element in sizing a fountain pump is determining the maximum head/ height rating and maximum lift.

Industries Served


We can help evaluate your current pumping system to see what can be done to maximize efficiency.


Reconditioning, repair and modification and consulting for a full range of pumps.

Managed Residential

Water systems may be used for drinking water, irrigation, sewage, or storm water drainage.


A network of pipes, storage and treatment facilities designed to deliver potable water.