PumpMan Pittsburgh Resources

Please check back soon as we will be updating this page with more videos, tips and tricks, and other valuable resources! Click here to be added to our Tips/Tricks email sign up.

Resources From: Enviro-Care


Video 13 “Enviro-Care Beast At Work”

Speco Mini Plant “Enviro-Care Mini Plant in 3D”

Resources From: CLA-Val

CLA-VAL Manufacturing Tour

CLA-VAL 90-01 Pressure Reducing Valve Troubleshooting Instructions

CLA-VAL 90-01 Pressure Reducing Valve 3D Animation

Resources From: Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.

Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) – Aqua SBR System

Filtration System – AquaDisk Cloth Media Filter

Resources From: Hidrostal

Hidrostal Pumps

Due to their outstanding characteristics, Hidrostal pumps are used in numerous
municipal and industrial sectors worldwide. Hidrostal pumps are custom-made and
are tailored to the needs of each location. Hidrostal specialists select suitable material
combinations and individually adapt every pump to the local conditions. They ensure with
this process that Hidrostal pumps are successful in difficult applications and achieve the best
results with respect to performance, energy efficiency, and low life-cycle costs.

Hidrostal Pumping Solutions for Solids and Sludge Handling