Just like almost everything you own, the pumps in your building will need periodic maintenance if you want them to work properly for a long time. While the importance of having regular maintenance performed on your car may seem straightforward and obvious, pumps tend to be hidden within walls and underneath floors, meaning that many building owners may simply forget that they exist and therefore do not remember to have them regularly maintained. Having your pumps maintained on a regular basis can end up saving you thousands of dollars in repairs and replacement should your pumps break down and stop working correctly.

There are four aspects to consider when performing maintenance on your pumps; addressing each aspect will have beneficial effects on the life and performance of pumps on your property.

  • Pro-Active Prevention Maintenance: Pro-active prevention pump maintenance entails maintenance that not only inspects the main components of your pump system but also utilizes advanced installation and repair techniques that can help prevent future problems from occurring. However, prevention maintenance on this level is typically very time-consuming and requires that anyone working on the pumps have immense and detailed knowledge about pump systems.
  • Condition-Based/Predictive Maintenance: Condition-based/predictive maintenance means that maintenance is only performed when certain equipment has worn down to a predetermined level, requiring their repair or replacement. Certain pump components, such as those that excessively vibrate or those that operate at extreme temperatures, are often most commonly subjected to this type of maintenance.
  • Time-Based/Preventive Maintenance: Time-based/preventative maintenance refers to pump maintenance that occurs in periodic, predetermined intervals. Usually pump components that do not have to work continuously require this type of maintenance to keep functioning effectively.
  • Breakdown/Run-to-Failure Maintenance: Breakdown/run-to-failure maintenance is likely the type of maintenance that comes to people’s minds when they think about pump maintenance. A great deal of homeowners neglect to perform maintenance on their pump systems, only calling pump or plumbing professionals once their pumping system breaks down or completely fails. Waiting to fix a pump system until it has broken down can actually end up costing more money in the long run than periodically maintaining your pumping system.

The purpose of pump maintenance is to make sure that pumps:

  • Are running as efficient as possible
  • Reduces down time
  • Reduces equipment costs by extending the life of the equipment
  • Ensures that your pumps are not being neglected

Often, it is hard to accurately determine the source of pump failure. It is necessary to test the whole pump system before repairing or replacing failing parts. Picture it this way: unless you find the direct source of your pumping woes, the problems you are facing will continue.

We offer customized Planned Maintenance Programs throughout Southern California to suit your specific needs.

Click here to learn more about our Planned Maintenance Programs.